Thursday, October 31, 2019

Noise in the workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Noise in the workplace - Essay Example This research will tackle the effects of Noise exposure on the people mainly on workers. According to Acton, W. I. (1982) constant exposure to loud noise have an effect on millions of workers, including factory and heavy-industry workers, construction workers, farmers, military personnel, and entertainment professionals. This research will discuss the health effect of noise. The financial effect of noise to the business and workers will also be discussed. Noise at occupation can present a health hazard in many business activities. Causes of workplace noise might comprise: machines, for instance in factories, engineering workshops, mills and foundries; plant, for instance in construction, agriculture and forestry; and loud music, for instance in bars and discos. According to Buck, K. and Parmentier, G. (1996) the health effects of noise exposure vary on the level of the noise and the duration of the exposure. Hearing loss is one of the most apparent and simply quantified effects of excessive exposure to noise (Gooday, Scanlon and Devine, 1994). Its progression, though, is insidious, in that it typically develops slowly over a long period of time, and the harm can reach the handicapping stage prior to an individual is aware of what has happened. While the losses are short-term at first, they turn into permanent after continued exposure, and there is no medical treatment to counteract the effect. When combined with presbycusis, hearing loss obviously occurring with the aging process, the result is a premature impairment that cultivates inexorably with age. In addition to hearing loss, working in a noisy office raises the possibility of dying from a heart attack. This raise in risk appears to be caused by the physiological effects of environmental and work noise (Singal, 2005). The workplace protection for noisy workplaces should be reconsidered. According to Alberti, P. W. (1979) constant noise exposure was a threat factor for high blood pressure and that it was the actual sound which rooted the problem rather than getting annoyed regarding it. Even though people thought they had got used to living near a busy road or working in a noisy environment, their health could still be injured. The effects of noise are determined generally by the extent and level of the noise, but they are also influenced by the frequency (BSI. 1994). Long-lasting, high-level sounds are the largely damaging to hearing and commonly the most annoying. High-frequency sounds tend to be more dangerous to hearing and more bothersome than low-frequency sounds. The way sounds are distributed in time is also significant, in that irregular sounds appear to be to some extent less damaging to hearing than constant sounds for the reason that of the ear's ability to revive throughout the intervening quiet periods. On the other hand, intermittent and impulsive sounds tend to be more annoying for the reason that of their unpredictability. Non auditory health effects are considered one of the psychosocial stressors in the aetiology of coronary heart disease (Passchier-Vermeer and W.F. Passchier 2000); it is hypothesized that noise directs to perturbation in hormonal balance and autonomic nervous system which lead to chronic disease. For instance, the inherent function of hearing is to notify and produce normal stress reaction throughout the sympathetic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Dynamics of Elite Politics during the Jiang Era Article

The Dynamics of Elite Politics during the Jiang Era - Article Example The article notes that there was a transformation under Jiang Zemin in Chinese elite politics from the previous political regimes. Jiang managed to bring reconciliation and ensure that the elites are on the same book and line of thought. This is evidenced by the few personal rivals or outspoken critics of his leadership (Shambaugh 4). Largely, Jiang managed to build on the policies set by other regions well. The manner of policymaking in the Jiang era was more of a direct deviation from the previous administration. In the process of policymaking, the leader prioritized consultation rather than imposing of particular policies. I think this approach showed the dimension that the leader wanted China to take for the sake of the future. For a leader who was criticized for not being as visionary as the others, Jiang clearly paved the way for a more liberal China that was ready to adopt the inclusive model of decision-making. By harmonizing the political elites, he was creating an open system that encouraged sharing of ideas for the development of the country. He borrowed the concepts of inclusion from other leaders who had attempted it but was keen to make it a success. That said, it shows that his focus was streamlining elite politics to accept the concepts of inclusion politics fully. He achieved this goal to a large extent in his leadership. The composition of the political elites in Jiang Era demonstrates a mixed composition and a wealth of ideas from both the old policymakers and new entrants (Shambaugh 7). Both bear different ways of tackling problems, but critics argue that the new entrants were raw in terms of decision making and experience. However, it appears as necessary for the change in composition of the top brass of politicians so that there can be different views that achieve modern approaches. The fact that the military composition, in terms of military leaders has taken another dimension shows the desire of the leader to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Development Of A New School in Malaysia

Development Of A New School in Malaysia Initial Business Proposal Business Concept Ideas Knowledge (IK) School is an education related. We understand teachers in school are overworked, underpaid and having large amount (35-45) of students in every class and they do not have enough time to finish the syllabus and do further explanations. (Nair, 2012) Slowly, it becomes parents and guardians worries because parents busy with works and they do not have time for their children education. IK will help to solve difficulty such as improving their weak subjects, coach them, motivate them in studies as well as answer their doubt on academic. A research of 100 different categories of students was carried out earlier. (Appendix 1) It stated very clearly that only three out of hundred is not attending tuition or coaching. Besides that, tuition industry had contributed RM4 Billion in the growth of Malaysia. With these facts, it is very clear that tuition industry potential and future scenario. (Lim Seng Poh, 2006) Malaysian parents even willing to spend RM200 to RM2000 a month on children tuition fees. (Nair, 2012) Research also stated that, two thirds (14%) of the households in Asia/Pacific spending enrichment classes for their children such as academic tuition, foreign language classes and public speaking. (MasterCard, 2013) 46% of Malaysian parents willing to spend extra tuition classes fees. (Appendix 2) Mission and Vision Mission Ideas Knowledge (IK) School belief that it is our responsible to teach and ready them with academic skills and values so that they are able to meet the future challenges. We believe that encourage the students to challenge, question and debate their ideas is good because they able to do critical thinking and very creative individuals in the future. (Gan, 2012) Vision Ideas Knowledge (IK) School will inspire the desire for knowledge and learning. Not just with excellence result but also be enterprising, creative spirits, responsible and cultivate caring in children is the future needs and wants of society. We provide the society with independently, proactive learners with interest, motivation, confidence, discipline, skills and characteristics to succeed. In the future, IK will be the leader of tuition industry. Target Market ‘Shadow’ education is expanding at an alarming rate. Household’s income being spend on tutoring. (ADB, 2012) Malaysia parents are more particular in academic tuition (46%), Sport (36%) and music instrument (32%). (Appendix 3) (MasterCard, 2013) From this research, we able to understand that parents nowadays are more concern on children education level. The number of student enrolled at the primary level in government-aided religious school has increased 9,284 students. (Appendix 4) But, the enrolment in primary level decrease from 2,859,921 in 2011 to 2,708,981 in 2014. (Appendix 5) Tuition and extra classes become the growing industry within Malaysia because there are strong demands towards the supply. At the same time, 2,967 registered tuition centre with the attending number of 194,567 students. (Nair, 2012) Around Selangor area, there are more than 600 primary schools. We will target the primary school students around Subang Jaya area such as SK Dato Onn Jaafar, SJK (C) Chee Wen and etc. Not just Chinese students, but all ethnic groups of Indian, Chinese and Malays. Competitive Strategy 4.1 Product and Services 4.2 Price Ideas Knowledge (IK) School offer tutoring class for primary school students in small group (maximum 10 students) and medium group (not more than 20 students) because this can help them concentrate. (Venus, 2013) However, the variety of the subjects offered in tuition mimics those in schools. (Lim Seng Poh, 2006) The differences between us and competitors are we provide coaching, counseling and outdoor activities services to the students. We also provide few facilities for the students, such as library. It is to make sure that they are not just excellent mentally but also physically. Penetration pricing strategy means selling product in lower pricing so that it can attract customers. (Roth, 2007) Sell product lower than the usual price can encourage customer to switch from old to new product. (Riley, 2012) Ideas Knowledge will use this strategy to begin the business. With this, the parents will consider our tuition centre first rather than others. When the business is on the right track, price will slowly be increase. But, no worries of price can’t be afford or not reasonable. 4.3 Place 4.4 Promotion Ideas Knowledge will locate in USJ 21. It is opposite The Main Place shopping Mall. Nearby area are all residences and office lot. The percentage for parents to visit our tuition centre is higher. There are a lot of facilities nearby such as shopping mall, restaurant, bank, etc. In the future of two to three years, there will be even more conveniences because rail station will be nearby. (Appendix 6) Students can travel from other place to attend classes. Through the research and analysis, there are more than 13 million of Malaysian are a Facebook user. It is a fastest and easier way to promote out Ideas Knowledge (IK) School. By using this kind of social media, we do not need to spend a single cent on promoting the business as well have reaching the potential customers. Besides that, in this technology centuries, every students owned social media account for example Facebook, Instagram, etc. Nevertheless, we will also promote it on school since there are few schools nearby. When promoting in school, students are require to fill up their basic personal data such as name, Facebook account, address, etc. All databases will keep for future uses such as share some academics knowledge, etc. We will also give out some flyers and prizes for students so that they can remember our centre. PEST Political Since independence, Malaysia government keep sustain in investing of education. Malaysia federal governments spend the highest percentage of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on primary and secondary education in East Asia. (Appendix 6) (MOE, 2012) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is to evaluate the quality of educational outcomes. Year 2009, it was the first time Malaysia participated in the program and the ranking was not good. (Appendix 7) But, Malaysia aim to rise from bottom third to the top third in PISA ranking within two decades. (Gan, 2012) Economical Year 2012, the inflation rate increased up to 1.6%. 2009 and 2012 Department of Statistics’ Household Income Survey stated that it is a huge income gap between years 2009 to 2012. (Appendix 8) (Shams, 2014) As for the Salary Survey 2013 by the Malaysia Employers Federation (MEF), stated that salaries for executive increased 6.3% while salaries for non-executive increased 6.7%. (The Malaysian Insider, 2014) Malaysia Prime Minister introduced a new proposal that will let the civil servant to enjoy annual salary increment between RM80 to RM320 called New Civil Services Remuneration Scheme (SBPA). (The Malaysian Insider, 2014) Since Goods and Services Tax (GST) going to implemented in April 2015, KPMG Malaysia urged both public and private sectors to gradually increase salaries. Social Tutoring is one of the top 16 industries worldwide and the growth rate is 7% in year 2011. (ICEF Monitor, 2012) The magazine and website Inc. stated that start a new business, tutoring is the best choice. Among the parents, tuition is the latest trend that keeps growing in this recent year. They will send their children into extra classes and early child education programmes. Survey stated that about 82.2% of students said that tutoring allowed them to gain knowledge and 62.4% of students able to aim higher marks are because tutoring. (Kenayathulla, 2014) Even thought parents does not have strong evidence of the effectiveness of tutoring but the strong belief in efficacy of tutoring regarding the teaching and delivery methodologies used in tuition centre. (Tsang, 2012) Technological Ministry of Education Malaysia said that the government is trying their best to improve in term of education system and aspiration of individual students. Nevertheless, they also introduce ‘1 BestariNet’ to society. (Terrapinnspore, 2013)Thus project able to provide students and teachers a virtual learning environment. The latest technology that adopted by the Malaysia Ministry of Education is a technology which is a UK-based Frog / FrogAsia. It’s a type of e-learning system that allowed teachers, students, and parents have connection. They providing user to maximize own strength and develop leadership skills in flexible time and fast growing environment. (Frogasia, n.d.) They also provides effective access to classes, tests, homework, grades, assessments, academic or museum website links, etc. (Strauss, 2013) Personal and Business SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Able to communicate in few language (Malay, English, Mandarin, Cantonese) Talkative and friendly Management knowledge Lack of leadership skill Lack of experiences in handling business Weak social networking Opportunities Threats Quick learning Willing to gain experiences and listen to others Competitors in tuition industry keep increasing Parents and guardians unsatisfactory Social Aspect Parents and guardians always busy with work and not involving in children growth. Ideas Knowledge (IK) School created positive impression to the society in tutoring academic. We offer academic tuition, coaching and outdoor activities to children because with this, they can leave electronic devices and enjoy. As for parents, we will discuss and update them their children behavior and academic result once a while. This is to make sure that no matter how busy parents are, they can still involve in children growth. References Lim Seng Poh (2006) The impact of Service Quality Dimensions Towards Customers’ Satisfaction in Tuition Centers [online], Available at:, [accessed 29 Jun 2014] Venus (2013) Things You Should Know About Sending Your Kids to Tuition [online], Available at:, [accessed 29 Jun 2014] The Straits Times (2008) Tuition Nation [online], Available at:, [accessed 29 Jun 2014] MasterCard (2013) Press Releases: Two Thirds of Asia/Pacific Parents Spending on Extra Tuition for Kids: MasterCard Survey [online], Available at:, [accessed 30 Jun 2014] ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2012) ADB Study Highlights Dark Side of ‘Shadow Education’ [online], Available at:, [accessed 30 Jun 2014] MOE (2012) Preliminary Report Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 [online], Available at:, [accessed 1 July 2014] Penang Monthly (2013) Statistics – November 2013 [online], Available at:, [accessed 1 July 2014] Penang Institute (2013) Statistics – November 2013 [online], Available at:, [accessed 3 July 2014] Nair, N. (2012) Increase in Demand for Tuition in Malaysia [online], Available at:, [accessed 3 July 2014] Noordin, Z. (2014) Education first, politics second, says deputy minister [online], Available at:, [accessed 4 July 2014] Malaysia Educational Statistics (2013) Quick Facts 2013 [online], Available at:, [accessed 4 July 2014] Malaysia Educational Statistics (2012) Quick Facts 2012 [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] EMiS (n.d.) Statistik Ringkas [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] Gan, P.L. (2012) Can it transform our education system? [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] Penang Monthly (2014) East Malaysia in Numbers [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] MOE (2014) Bab 5 Membangun Dan Mengekalkan Modal Insan Bertaraf Dunia [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] ICEF Monitor (2012) Global Tutoring Industry Experiencing Explosive Growth [online], Available at:, [accessed 6 July 2014] Tsang, H. (2012) Private Tutoring in Malaysia: Regulating for Quality [online], Available at:, [accessed 7 July 2014] Roth .S.A, (2007), â€Å"Penetrating Pricing, Understand Pricing Objectives and Strategies† [online], Available:, [accessed 7 July 2014] Kenayathulla, H.B. (2014) Teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of private tutoring in Malaysia [online], Available at:, [accessed 7 July 2014] The Malaysian Insider (2014) Statistics Department survey shows average household income up 7.2% Bernama [online], Available at:, [accessed 8 July 2014] Shams, H.N. (2014) [2727] Income Distribution of Malaysian Household, 2009 and 2012 [online], Available at:, [accessed 8 July 2014] Eric (2013) Strategic Location for Main Place Resident [online], Available at:, [accessed 8 July 2014] Riley, J. (2012) Pricing – Pricing Strategies [online], Available at:, [accessed 8 July 2014] Strauss, K. (2013) Malaysia Taps Frog To Teach Its Youth [online], Available at:, [accessed 9 July 2014] Frogasia (n.d.) Careers at Frogasia [online], Available at:, [accessed 9 July 2014] Video Terrapinnspore (2013) DDG of Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Shares on Education Technology, 11 May, Available at:, [accessed 10 July 2014] Appendices Appendix 1 Private Tutors Tuition Centre Both ‘type’ of coaching No tuition 100 Primary, Secondary and junior college students 49 32 16 3 (The Straits Times, 2008) Appendix 2 Country Percentage (%) India 54 % Taiwan 52 % Thailand 52 % Malaysia 46 % Singapore 45 % Chinese 53 % Korean 50 % Hong Kong 50 % Households in Asia/Pacific spend extra tuition classes for their children (MasterCard, 2013) Appendix 3 Academic Sport Foreign Language Music Art Public Speaking Others Asia/ Pacific 32% 28% 24% 22% 15% 5% 8% AU 7% 36% 6% 4% 6% 3% 9% NZ 9% 43% 8% 15% 4% 2% 12% CN 26% 38% 53% 41% 32% 7% 5% IN 54% 16% 10% 15% 15% 17% 2% MY 46% 36% 17% 32% 17% 8% 10% PH 14% 33% 5% 16% 10% 2% 5% SG 45% 31% 8% 24% 14% 7% 9% KR 33% 28% 50% 32% 15% 2% 10% TW 52% 17% 39% 31% 17% 1% 19% MM 35% 4% 23% 1% 2% 1% 1% Children’s Participation in Enrichment Classes in Asia/Pacific (MasterCard, 2013) Appendix 4 Type of Schools 2011 2012 2013 National 2,150,139 2,106,603 2,063,666 National type (C) 598,488 591,121 566,324 National type (T) 102,642 97,884 92,919 Special education 1,606 1,535 1,479 Sports 11 4 9 Special Model – secondary with primary level from Year 4-6 1,055 1,014 901 Special model (K9) – primary with secondary level from Form 1-3 224 207 1,831 Gars 5,756 6,037 15,040 Total 2,859,921 2,804,405 2,742,169 Enrolment at primary level by type of schools, 2011-2013 (Penang Institute, 2013) Appendix 5 Schools 2011 2012 2013 2014 (31 Apr 2014) Pre-school 176,822 186,298 190,874 196,114 Primary 2,859,921 2,804,405 2,742,169 2,708,981 Secondary 2,296,034 2,281,224 2,296,189 2,253,160 Enrolment at Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Level (2011 – 2013) (Malaysia Educational Statistics, 2013) Appendix 6 Strategic Location for Main Place Residence (Eric, 2013) Appendix 7 Malaysia’s Basic Education Expenditure 1 As % of Total Government Expenditure for Malaysia and Peers (Penang Monthly, 2013) Appendix 8 Comparison of Malaysia’s PISA 2009+ ranking against other countries (Gan, P.L., 2012) Appendix 9 Households’ Monthly Income (Shams, H.N., 2014) Module Title: ILP 326 New Business Development Prepared by: Peck Jie YiPage

Friday, October 25, 2019

Bible :: essays research papers

If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, perfect and without error, then the issue is settled. Homosexuality is a sin and we must condemn it's practice. However, if the Bible is the writings of men who were only capable of seeing dimly, as if in a mirror, the way Paul described it, then we have a long way to go before we settle the question. John's teaching concerning the third person of the trinity, God's Holy Spirit, has that person leading us into truth, and not a book...even if that book is called "the Holy Bible." I maintain that the conservative doctrine that the Bible is the express Word of God, perfect and without error, is a heresy. This doctrine is a heresy as the ancient Greeks used the word, a teaching or attitude which us used to cause divisiveness in the community. It is used by the conservatives to separate out those who do not accept a divinely inspired Bible, in the same manner as Jesus describes the shepherd separating out the sheep from the goats. It is also a heresy in the manner that the church uses the word, a false doctrine which might lead to the worship of a false God. It elevates the book into the status of God. If, as I believe, God is leading us to openly accept and affirm those with differing sexual orientations and gender identities that the "norm," the doctrine of an inerrant Bible must be destroyed. Not only must we object to this doctrine when we find it among the conservatives, the Fundamentalists, the Orthodox, the Pentecostal and the Charismatic, but we must also object to this doctrine when we find it in those Churches and believers which do support the claim of the gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered and transvestite, that God accepts them on equal status with the straight.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Criminal Court Visit Essay Essay

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to highlight the different aspect of the Criminal Justice after visiting the criminal justice office(s). The visit is done during the last week of September 2010 and the visiting point was the United States District First Court of Appeal, the court located at 301 S. ML King Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida. In this paper the findings will be discussed that what factors (selected) are involved that affect the process of administration of justice. It will be tried the best to explain the observations and views with comparison and contrast. However, the points will be discussed in narrative format to grab the information precisely. The Criminal Court Visit and the Observations First, have some information about the Criminal Justice. The Criminal Justice is the system or group of system and institutions that have the prime responsibility to mitigate the crime or crime rate and to take necessary actions to cope with the situations that is critical and sensitive in nature to maintain the peaceful environment of the society. It is ideal profession for those who has investigative mind. The President’s Commission defined the criminal justice system as the means for society to â€Å"enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community†. (The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society, 1967) The Criminal Justice system has three main parts: Police, Courts and Jails also known as Corrections but all these parts have one main goal that is to maintain the rule of law within the society by operating with coordination under one umbrella that is Law. Police Police is the front face of the criminal justice system that has the prime responsibility to maintain the peace and control the law and order situation as per their jurisdictions according to the predefined law. Police are also responsible to decrease the Crime rate in the society. In USA the police department was founded in 1908. Police itself has multidimensional activities to guarantee the peace, calm and trust throughout the society. Courts Courts are the place where disputes are settled down and finalized after thorough debates and analyses according to the law. There are number of professionals in any court who perform their responsibilities as per their role like judge, prosecutor and attorney usually belong to defense. The one most important personality in that court sitting is the judge that has a special authority to settle the dispute. Corrections or punishment Corrections or punishment is the outcome for the final decision of the court against the crime. The main purpose to keep the person in jail or prison is separate him from the society to prevent any further sensitive or law and order situation. There are also other different forms of punishment and corrections like to impose financial penalties, probation and house arrest. The house arrest sanction is the type of punishment that limits the person’s mobility to prevent others and society from his or her negative activities. Reflections with compare and contrast after Visiting Visiting the Criminal court, enable us to enhance our knowledge about the proceeding that is the part and parcel of administration of the justice. In that connection, the book â€Å"criminal justice today† by Frank Schmallegar provided the necessary information. The observation was based on the ongoing court trial on the violent attacks on two blameless citizens. (The identities will not be shown, because of personal reason/request). According to the case the victims Mr. A and Mr. O were driving on the way, during the driving there Car rammed from the back. When they got out checking that issue and cause of rammed, suddenly they were harmed by the gang that comprises with four people who had iron rods in their hands. The accused person got into his car and dragged the Mr. A along the road for a distance of 40 to 50 yards. However, the victim rushed to the near hospital but he died because of numerous rib fractures, the liver’s trauma and haemorrhaging, followed by a num ber of heart attacks. After and during the hearing of this tragic and inhuman story there was a pin-drop silence inside the court. The lawyer of the accused tried to defend by saying that the above mentioned story about crime scene was far from reality but the judge refused it when the criminal history is cited by the victim’s lawyer that  the accused criminal already has the record of murder trial that was started in six month before, he also referred the criminal’s girlfriend who declared herself as a hostile witness. The victim’s lawyer also presented the Toxicological reports that have the clear evidences of identical sweat, fiber and finger prints matches. When these evidences presented, the criminal’s lawyer had no way but to accept and keep silence, after examining the report and evidences the Judge started to express his remarks by saying that â€Å"Quite Shocking†. He further said that Mr. A and Mr. O was the respective and law-abiding c itizens and has no any criminal records, who were rammed and assaulted by the accused person and his gang in a highly violent and inhuman manner. Judge further said that the criminal also has a record of previous hearing but he didn’t learn any lesson from them. Judge further added that this action is reprehensible morally and this crime is very high in the ranking of manslaughter. Finally, the judge sentenced the 10 years among the final year suspended for the manslaughter. This court visit and the proceeding of above mentioned case opened many dimension in front of me. This visit enriched my experience about the criminal court and its proceeding about the particular case, the way that both parties argued and raised the concerns and the deep thinking ability of the judge who gave final judgment. Furthermore, there are plenty of issues that need to be addressed but another important point that is noticed generally about the Proceeding, is the media coverage. The main concern that is raised by the court officials is about the live camera coverage, according to them the camera coverage create a tension to make a reasonable judgment because during the whole process the officials feel confused to express their views thoroughly because of the mass reactions. The official concerned that the mass reaction is not the main issue but to satisfy them on each and every legal issues because of the ignorance of law and proceeding of the justice. They claimed that this camera coverage and its related issue converted the courtroom and its proceeding into â€Å"media circus. But the counter argument that is in favor of camera coverage is that, these camera coverage is the catalyst to make the whole proceeding crystal clear as per law and the assurance that the all proceeding that affect the administration of justice is bias less. This live camera coverage is the  antidote for those elements who affect directly or in directly to the whole processing and are the main cause(s) of dissatisfaction about any particular aspect or whole of the proceedings However, the positive point is that some professionals are in favor to do these activities during the proceeding, as per their viewpoint the live coverage via electronic media and devices make the proceeding of the administration of justice more trustable, accessible and transparent among the masses.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How Wilfred Owen and John Scott present ideas about slaughter and sacrifice Essay

Write a comparison of the ways Wilfred Owen and John Scott present ideas about slaughter and sacrifice, how far do you agree with the view that Scott’s poem is more effective than Owens in communicating its message? The Send Off and The Drum both explore the truths about war outlining the horrors and effects of war through language and poetic techniques. Owen attacks the understanding between those at home who promote war as a romantic, glorious and heroic exercise and dying for one’s country as an act of nobility and with this who fight and die in war and who know the true horror of the battlefield. Scott explores the desperations caused by battle. He also makes clear that he does not consider war as a fight of honour; more as a gruesome game to see who can be more stubborn to admit what they are doing is wrong. Both poets show similar thoughts about war and how it is betrayed to a glorious act of heroicness. In the opening stanzas of the drum the poets mention the sounds and tones which follow the soldiers. In The drums case it is the ‘drums discordant sound’. This instrument is used for the historical march of the soldiers. Which in this case is confusing to the men. As they are ‘parading round, and round’. This gives a sense of never ending war. Each day the men follow the same routine until it is there turn to face the enemy in battle. Owen immediately challenges the positive connotation of the send off in the first line. Our first image is of â€Å"close darkening lanes†. This has two meanings; the first meaning is the lanes fatefully enclose the soldiers in their closeness, they cannot turn back, the second meaning is that â€Å"darkening† is emphasized as a metaphor of the soldier’s dark destiny to which their farewell is sending them and that is to be killed in war. John Scott talks about the pathetic reasons which people go to war. He explains how the young are almost excited by the surrender of the opposition. ‘To sell their liberty for charms’. This line suggests that people would rather sell there independence for money. Regarding how it would affect their country. The alliteration used in the phrase â€Å"grimly gay† in the send off alerts the readers the forced gaiety of the men and ambiguity of their supposed adventure isn’t everything that is thought to be at first. â€Å"Grimly Gay† also contradicts the concepts of grimness and gaiety, which captures a focus for the mixture of excitement and fear in the men and the country for which they sacrifice their lives for. Scott mentions the line ‘ambition’s voice commands’. This word ambition almost represents the lives of many of the soldiers fighting in the war. Either there ambition to return to there country or to fight for there country. It can also be in replacement for the general who commands his soldiers to war. A sense of death is built up in the next line. ‘To March, and fight, and fall, in foreign lands’. This shows the reality of war, you can fight and put your life on the line, but you may also lie dead in the hands of the enemy and fall in there territory. The send off portrays the sense of something sinister and shameful about the operation, in the uncertainty of the men’s future and in the prospect of the injured and weary return of â€Å"too few† of them. Owen talks about how complete strangers to him went to war. ‘They were not ours’ this explains how he talks about random people being in the war. The imagery for the gifts of flowers for good fortune is mixed with that of flowers for a funeral wreath. It is as though the gift of flowers is the soldiers first war wound, a prelude to a course of events that must end in death. Scott shows exactly what the true meaning to war is and how it affects the life of others. He speaks of the ‘burning towns’ ‘mangled limbs’ ‘windows tears’. These quotations explain the sense of horror and slaughter which took place in the Napoleonic wars. The way Scott expresses his views on the war are the tragic ways in which widows had to cope without there husband. Those who lost there homes and had to migrate to another area. Owen shows this kind of horror as well but not in the magnitude of Scott. ‘ As men’s dead’. The apostrophe in the word men shows the extensive number of soldiers who were killed. Wilfred Owen ends his poem almost like the ending of a war and how they leave the allies country. ‘Shall they return to beating of great bells, in wild train loads? A few, a few, too few for drums and yells’. The word ‘shall’ suggest that you do not really know if soldiers will return in a good way. He almost contradicts himself when he talks about loads of men returning then he says a few. This shows that not even he is sure about the outcome of returning soldiers. Part of the soldier’s betrayal is how they are dehumanized and treated so indifferently by the authorities that process them. Terms such as â€Å"siding-shed† and â€Å"train-loads† creates the concept of produce rather than people being transported. The structure of the poem is broken up into stanzas with lines long and short. The shorter lines are a lot more sinister in tone which talks about ominous events that are going to happen in war. The lengthier lines are more informative. This irregularity of long and short lines and stanzas gives the poem motion which shows the beat of marching men and a moving train. The structure of the drum is completely different it is set out in two stanzas which echo the beat of the drum which is parading around and around. That is why the use of repetition is applied for this line in both stanzas. I agree in a sense that Scott’s poem is more effective on its approach to get its message through to the reader. The reason for this being is that it can relate with the reader more because he is writing a personal response. Noticeable by the use of ‘I’ this means that he can communicate in a more individual way. He also gives more ideas on what soldiers and families would have had to see through the war stages. Not only does he give a personal statement but takes into consideration of how it may have affected the lives of others. He also shows the gruesomeness which occurs in battle. However Owen also has written a very informative poem. As he has the experience of being a solider he has more of an idea how the war worked. Unlike John Scott he did not oppose to violence. Maybe that is why Scott could have been biased towards the idea of war. Only pin pointing the parts to war which were bad, and not those which commemorate the honour and remembrance which you receive after fighting in the war. But Owen also feels the same way about the war and he has been there. I suppose these poems would not be similar because they are both from different stages of time. One which was written in the Napoleonic war and the other in world war one. That is why there is a difference in writing styles and issues which are discussed. The reason for John Scott’s poem being more violent maybe because they did not use weapons like guns and explosives so battles with swords maybe have been more brutal. Taking this into consideration I think both poems have different ways in which to get there message across so they are equally as effective.