Monday, January 27, 2020

Design And Build Procurement

Design And Build Procurement In this chapter, the definitions of Design and Build procurement including its concept and characteristics will be revealed. The success factors of using Design and Build procurement and the major task of developing the projects scope of work will be covered in great detail in this chapter. The definitive performance criteria of a project specifically in major aspects of time, cost and quality will deeply explained. The chapter then moves forward to the affect of features of Design and Build on roles and responsibilities of the contractor within the process. The explanation on ways of the contractor proposes to achieve them. This chapter then also describes the implementation of Design and Build in Malaysia accordingly to its history performance and problems that have been occurred in Malaysia by using Design and Build procurement. 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT It is clear that there are many different variables to take into account when selecting the procurement method for our project. It is quite difficult due to each procurement methods differ from each other in unique ways. The key on making decisions on choosing the right procurement method is that each differs from the other on its own basis. Thus, it takes a few key questions to help decide which one should be use. The flow chart below shows the key questions and decisions on which procurement method should be used. The process of building procurement involves a series of different specialists in contributing to the construction work at different times. Design and build procurement has been in use for a very long time for more than a decade in the twentieth century. It has become more widespread across United State as well as around the world and had found in many industries. From a survey of trends in methods of procurement that were carried out by RICS from Davis Langdon and Everest revealed that in 1984, 5.06% of construction projects were procured on a Design and Build basis. Added that by 1991, this had risen to 14.78% .Revealing proudly by the Contract Journal July 1994, that the Design and Build turnover of the United Kingdoms top 70 Design and Build contractors increased by 15% during the period 1992 to 1993. The growth in the use of Design and Build recently as a procurement route is seen as being such radical change that could allow the industry to develop cost radical change that allo w the industry to develop cost models that automatically can reflect the construction rather than design processes. It seems as the most logical way to procure a building and thus given a clean slate to start with. However, many design professionals and owners had feared that this would result in the minimization or even destruction of the designers responsibility. This procurement is said to be able to furnish a design that maximizes quality within the projects budgetary constraints. Numerous successfully completed Design and Build projects range from housing, through industrial and commercial projects, to major complexes. It proves that this procurement method has very wide applicability. Frequently, the Design and Build contractor would be asked to contract with the clients designers, so that there is some continuity of the design effort, but the remaining design work is the contractors responsibility. This involves formally transferring the designers contracts from the client to the builder which is called novation. 2.1.1 DEFINITIONS OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT Design and build procurement is a procurement where it combine the design and construction process under a single entity. Design and Build terms are taken from its strategy itself where it would entail the contractor to carry out the work; the design work as well as the construction and also the completion of the work. As according to Turner (1990) and Jansen (1991) has supported that design and build contractor is supplying the procurement option of buying a finished building. While according to Masterman (1992) the term Design and Build has almost been unanimously interpreted and defined as being an arrangement where one contracting organization takes sole responsibility, normally on a lump sum fixed price basis, for the bespoke design and construction of a clients project. he then elaborate that this contains three elements; the responsibility for design and construction, contractors reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum and the project is designed and built specifically to meet the clients need. Furthermore, as according to David Cappell (1997), Design and Build place responsibility for both design and erection in the hands of the contractor one point of responsibility for everything. However, theres an existence of one common thread that all Design Build delivery systems share which would be a single point of responsibilities for both design and construction. In other definition, Design and Build can be said as arrangement where one organization design and construct to the firm orders of the client for a single financial transaction. In general, the definition of Design and Build can be summarized as providing a single point responsibility for the whole design and construction. Below is a chart to differentiate between Design and Build procurement with traditional procurement. (a) (b) Figure 2.2: (a) Single point responsibility Design and Build Procurement (b) Fragmented responsibility Traditional Procurement (Source: Bennett and Grice, 1992) 2.1.2 CONCEPT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DESIGN AND BUILD A basic concept in Design and Build procurement is that it requires the project to be contracted to a single organization which is responsible for design, procurement, and engineering and commissioning. The first step before choosing a procurement method should be through analysis of the projects characteristics on a global basis, including those technical requirements for design and construction. The projects owner will ensure that the entire context in which the project be delivered is thorough understood and can be accounted for in plans for schedule, price and quality. Once the owner has determined all the external constraints that might impact on its project, a project procurement method can be selected. There are quite many good reasons why an owner would select Design and Build for a given project. Theres a list of reasons for which an owner might decide that a project is suitable for the use of Design and Build procurement method. It would be: Where a compressed delivery schedule is required; A single point responsibility is required, Constructability consideration drive the design concept or details, Unique factors require special knowledge or experience to produce the least-cost design, The owner/designer must rely on the builder to optimize technology wit cost, The project will site-adapt a previous design, The project is a common commercial facility, The project is beyond the owners technical capability, Lastly, where risk can be shared to reduce cost. This can be supported by Masteman (2002), who argued that the definitions of the Design and Build contains three elements that would fundamental characteristics of this system, which are; the responsibility for design and construction lies with one organization, reimbursement is generally by means of a fixed price lump sum, and project is designed and built specifically to meet the needs of the client. 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD An owner of a project would definitely want to obtain a building that satisfies his needs of good performance. The meaning of a good performance here require the project to form a high level of quality, of which including optimum economic price within the agreed time. Hashim (1996) concluded that the major factors tat affect the time and cost overruns would be; (1) the procurement systems adopted, (2) the variation works, (3) delay in subcontractors work, and lastly (4) shortage of building materials. She also provides her findings to prove the relation to the procurement systems used and their impact on time cost overruns. It is very crucial that the selection of the procurement method lies in the clients responsibility. Because of that, the selected procurement should; Meets the needs of the client, the type of project and the risks that might occur, can be handle by the client Related to the expertise available within the clients organization, resource and funding facility. Before the client decides which procurement method to be use, the relative importance of the three key criteria that need to be taken into account in procurement would be; time, cost and quality performance. TIME COST QUALITY The three criteria are inter-related. For instance, decisions affecting time will affect cost or both cost and performance. The key objective are exists to ensure that the clients objective are met effectively, efficiently and economically. 2.2.1 TIME Early completion of a project rather one of the most required by the client. Nevertheless, most construction project fails to achieve this requirement. Because of that the selection of procurement method to be use should be done wisely. This requirement of early completion can be achieved if construction starts before the design is completed. It can be said that the greater overlap between the construction and the design stage, the less time will be required to complete the project. However, the amount of variation is likely to increase because of this relation. Form the studies by University of Reading (United Kingdom) evaluate that the construction speed of design and build projects is 12% faster than traditional approaches and the overall project delivery speed (including design and construction) is 30% faster than traditional methods. Added that, the certainty of completion in time increases with the earlier the contractors involve in the design processes. 2.2.2 COST Lower cost of the construction project is another factor that is most important in ones employer requirement. The overlap between the design and construction means that construction starts before the cost is fixed, which will increase the uncertainty over the cost. This will drag the cost forecasting to become critical. Research had found out that time or cost have a real strong interactions between the design and build system. Also, from findings it stated that by combining the full overtime schedule, average ordering and also fast track construction with moderate crashing of design can made achieve towards improvements in both time and cost. By the researchers findings, it had stated that 75% of design and build project were completed within 5% of budget, compared with 63% of traditional projects. Design and build projects are at least 13% cheaper than traditionally procured projects. Greatest cost certainty is achieved for design and builds projects when the owners requirements are detailed. 2.2.3 QUALITY The issue of building quality is very important. From the facts, the quality performance characteristics determine the project time and cost. The performance of a project includes the function of the facility, its quality and appearance and durability, together with reliability and efficiency of the operation. The quality performance required from the completed facility is where it has the ability to control and make changes to the detailed specification after the contracts have been let. Design and build consistently better in meeting quality requirements for complex or innovative buildings rather than simple, standard, traditional buildings. 2.2.4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The roles and responsibilities of each of the members of the project team should be considered carefully to avoid problems associated with assembling temporary teams of professionals. The contractors are responsible to; (1) undertake the design work outlined in contractors proposal which match with the employers requirements, (2) to fabricate the building, (3) to coordinate and integrate the entire process. The figure below shows the relationship of project team in design and build procurement. This contractual relationship in design and build is clearly shows that the contractor is responsible for everything. The design and build process increases the opportunities to use the contractors experience during the design stages of the project and their key strengths in management of the construction works. The extension of the contractors role design role is sometimes much less than the associated design responsibilities. The contractor then takes the responsibility for the design, without having any previous involvement with the design team. However, with the variability of types of construction projects and the experiences of clients in such projects, recent research had found that contractors may lack proper understanding of managing the varying types of design processes. The contractor must do whatever it takes to achieve the employers requirements. A single point responsibility means that the contractor is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed in time within the specified budget. Any delays beyond the control of the employer would be at the risk of the contractor. Other than that, the contractor also has to take into account the qualities that are agreed between the employers. Design and build contractors should understand the aesthetics or architecture value because the clients might not understand this kind of things. However, to ensure a contractor to produce what is specified by the client is not the same as ensuring the contractor producing a good and high quality building. 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA Construction activities occurred mostly on the more developed western side of peninsular Malaysia, which would be around KL. It began to gain importance in the economy in the 1990s through its roles in the areas of reconstruction and modernization. There are seven main elements of the processes of construction procurement considered to be specific to Malaysia. These seven elements are divided into two broad categories; (1) the processes during preconstruction stage, and (2) the processes during construction stage. The processes of construction procurement during preconstruction stage are: Initiation / promotion Funding Design schematic design, detailed design and specialist design. Statutory approval approval to initiate and to construct a facility and final approval to occupy the completed facility. Tendering The processes of construction procurement during construction stage are: Construction management and physical construction processes. Risk allocation The mostly used procurement are listed below in order of their importance that has been identified as the dominant procurement systems in Malaysia. Traditional lump sum system Design and build / turnkey system Management contracting 2.3.1 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF STUDY Design and build procurement was first launched in the Public Works Department by the Malaysian Prime Minister in 1983. The first unit that has applied the system would be by the Kuala Terengganu Hospital, which was completed in 1985. Research has shown that there is a continuous increase in the use of Design and Build over the last 24 years. The system use in Malaysia was pioneered by the JKR. In this system, there exist only two parties, i.e., the client and the contractor. In Malaysia, comprehensive data on the use of different types of procurement systems is not available. However, design and build is one of the procurement systems frequently used in Malaysia. 2.3.2 CONTRACTORS IN MALAYSIA The total goals of a project to significant cost savings, time savings and better quality can be achieve in considering the contractors construction experience in earlier construction phases. Since the system of design and build become successfully growing in recent years, many contractors are successfully operate in this market and they bring appropriate skills to bare in regard to the management and co-ordination of the overall process. However, the studies from Nima, M.A. M.R. Abdul-Kadir et al. (2001) also Rosli M.Z. (2004) show a shortage of knowledge among Malaysian contractors. They added that, a contractor have a supreme position in developing the constructability issue in different stages of construction projects which decreases probability of stoppages, delays and contract modifications. Any contribution from construction players in early stages of project can supply a useful guidance to bring deconstruction rules to design phase (Herman et al., 2003). The issue in this country is where the construction contractors are not invited to participate in design activities, before the design reaches to end. This will reduce their ability to influence the project specification finally. Other researches had state that different sources of knowledge has emphasized on importance of design phase and decisions that can make tremendous changes in the project output (BCA, 2005; Construction Industry Review Committee, 2001; Galvinich, 1995; Gray Hughes, 2001; Nima et al., 2002; Unlik Lones, 1998). The more integration will result in greater amount of cost savings, labor savings and also less substance wastage. The design itself can lead the contractors to choose a better construction method which helps to an improved constructability. In addition, the contractors can use their construction experience to help the designers in better designs, then they can try to increase the flexibility of the project to avoid any later design modifications that requires more money injections to the projects (Lam et al., 2007). 2.3.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IN DESIGN AND BUILD Ndekugri Turner (1994) suggests that by using design and build can provide better value for money and can give rise to fewer disputes than other procurement methods. One of the key advantage by using design and build is the opportunity to integrate the design and construction components. Argues by Saxon (2000) include that design and construction offers better performance in time and costs and results in lesser defects. The main advantages of design and build system that are obviously shown include: Single point responsibility for both design and construction processes Price is fixed in advance of construction Overlapping of design and construction process (in contrast to the traditional system) The design and build contractor could incorporate the concept of buildability into the design which in turn would facilitate speedier and economical construction production. However, implementing design and build procurement also have the cons that need to be aware of. Its disadvantages are: Unclear client brief (Ho et al., 1996; Chan, 1997; Ernzan Schexnayder,2000) Lack of standard forms of contract (Ho et al., 1996; Gunning McDermott, 1997) Inadequate and insufficient information and coordination among parties (Ndekugri Church, 1996; Ho et al., 1996) Late design changes (Gunning McDermott, 1997; Chan, 1997). The projects costs could be higher than the traditional system Projects often lacks of aesthetic values The system is not very accommodative to changes Other than that, Smith (1992) stated some of his research of design and build difficulties that may have to be faced: Contractor dominated by staff who are unfamiliar with the design process Inadequate fee quoted for design services by consultants Contractors operational staff too busy to consider design issues Contractors lacks expertise to manage the design interface between consultants and subcontract designers Contractor leaves subcontractors to co-ordinate work amongst themselves 2.4 CONCLUSION Alternative project system or delivery is gaining popularity towards Malaysia and outside countries. From this literature, we can see that the implementation of design and build in Malaysia proven to be one of the successfully delivering method in an expeditious manner without sacrificing quality or economy. As for the contractors in Malaysia, the lack of knowledge can become the main reason to the unsuccessful of design and build delivery. Other than that, design and build seems the most appropriate delivery method that can improve ones project performance. DRAFT OF CHAPTERS CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS (CONTRACTORS VIEW ON DB) CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS (DB ACHIEVEMENT) CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT 2.1.1 Definitions of Design and Build Procurement 2.1.2 Concept and Characteristics of Design and Build Procurement 2.2 PERFORMANCE OF DESIGN AND BUILD 2.2.1 Time 2.2.2 Cost 2.2.3 Quality 2.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of the Contractor 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DESIGN AND BUILD PROCUREMENT IN MALAYSIA 2.3.1 History and Background of Study 2.3.2 Contractors in Malaysia 2.3.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Design and Build 2.4 CONCLUSION

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Criticism of Philosophers

There are many great philosophers who have had many great ideas over the centuries. These philosophers have had their ideas passed down to many people through the centuries, decades, and years. Fredric Nietzsche, Rene Decartes, and Socrates are philosophers that many philosophy students study. However, not everybody likes or agrees with these philosophers philosophies. The purpose of this paper is to provide information about the three philosophers’ lives, work, and philosophies. Also, in this paper there will be criticism of each of the philosophers.Let’s begin with a discussion of Socrates. Socrates was a Greek philosopher who taught another Greek philosopher named Plato. Even though Socrates is thought to be a great Greek philosopher, we have none of his writings. Therefore, many Greek scholars are not sure whether what is on the page is what Socrates taught Plato or Plato’s own thoughts. Socrates’ background is interesting, but now let’s talk ab out some of Socrates’ philosophical views. Derek Johnston claims that Socrates thought that there was much good in the world; however he believed that virtue was the ultimate good.Johnston goes on to claim that Socrates firmly believed that no outside source could deprive people of virtue (Johnston, 2006, 11). In short, Socrates was mostly concerned with the branch of philosophy called ethics. Socrates also firmly believed that the quest for knowledge was the most important thing and by obtaining knowledge about things is the only way people become truly virtuous. Johnston also claims that Socrates was also attempting to find the true meaning of ethical words such as â€Å"true†, â€Å"good†, and â€Å"beautiful† using the question and answer method of inquiry.He also held firm that Socrates’ main belief was that knowledge equals virtue which can and is obtained through reason. In fact, Socrates held strongly that any opinion that someone had that wasn’t based on reason should be discarded (Johnston, 2006, 11). Rene Descartes’’ philosophy seemed to be based on doubt and certainty. Decartes began to build his philosophical stance by doubting everything that could be doubted. But, even Decartes believed that there were things that couldn’t be called into question.The things that Decartes believed couldn’t be called into question were his existence and the existence of God. Decartes believed that his existence couldn’t be doubted because he was sitting down thinking about whether or not he existed, among other things. Therefore, he believed that if he doubted things then, he must exist. In other words, Decartes believed he thought therefore he was. He more famously put it as;† I think therefore I am. † The Latin for this saying is Cogito Ergo Sum (Johnston, 2006, 76).This argument is sometimes simply known as Cogito. Decartes also was a rationalist. Rationalists believe that there are things that have to be true and that there are things that have to be false. He also believed in the existence of God. His argument for the existence of God basically says that imperfect beings, which are humans, depend on their existence both beginning and continuing upon a perfect being which is God. In addition, according to Johnston, Decartes believed that minds are separate things from bodies (Johnston, 2006, 77).Both Socrates and Friedrich Nietzsche had a philosophical view that was based on ethics. Nietzsche was big on morality. He wished to locate a materialistic basis for his moral principles. At the beginning of his ethics, he believed that both good and evil were simply ways of illustrating that some actions were good for society and other actions were bad and didn’t benefit society. But, later he thought of good and evil in absolute teams (Johnston, 2006, 142). Nietzsche attacks philosophy from an ethical standpoint; however, he promoted only two sets of ethical values.One ethical value was pride in oneself and ruthlessness and philosophy, music, and poetry. Nietzsche thought there were some good ethical qualities that human beings could achieve however; he believed that all human beings could strive to get the good moral qualities but only a few exceptional human beings could actually get those good moral qualities. According to Johnston, Nietzsche’s noble man will have a cruel will and will sacrifice his fellow men. In addition, his noble man will be both disciplined and cunning in war (Johnston, 2006, 145).Nietzsche’s greatest philosophical view is called the Will to Power. Nietzsche’s Will to Power is the ultimate source of both what is and what will be for human beings. Strong people will be able to get the will to power and weaker people will not be able to get the will to power. According to Johnston, Nietzsche’s will to power allows people’s current moral judgments and values which are the moral judgments and values of society to be washed away forever. Then, and only, then can a new set of pure moral values and judgments emerge (Johnston, 2006, 147).In addition, a hero for Nietzsche is a man who rises above and beyond his fellow humans by the strength and will of his own powers be them physical or mental or both. His hero will never be sorry for his superiority; in fact he should relish and rejoice in it. Compare and Contrast It may seem as if because Socrates, Rene Decartes, and Fredric Nietzsche were born and lived at different times and in different centuries that none of these three philosophers’ philosophical views would have similarities to them. However, there are similarities to these three philosophers’ philosophies.Rest assured that there are differences in these three philosophers’ philosophies, but first let’s focus on the similarities of these three philosophers philosophical viewpoints. Both Socrates and Fredric Nietzsche su bscribe to the school of philosophy called ethics. In fact, according to Johnston, Socrates view of life centered mostly on ethics and ethical concerns (Johnston, 2006, 11). Also, both Socrates and Nietzsche tried to find the real meaning of ethical terms such as good, trust, bad, and beautiful by means of asking questions and getting answers.In fact, Socrates used the question and answer method to inquire into many moral definitions and many moral issues such as justice. Nowhere is this question and answer method of philosophical inquiry more apparent than in Plato’s dialogue called The Republic. In Plato’s dialogue The Republic through Socrates Plato explored both the definition of justice and the concept of justice itself. Plato also talked about what philosophy is and the many types of government that is used to run a state. Plato even talked about what he believed was the best form of government.Both Socrates and Nietzsche believed that there was one thing that wo uld make people virtuous. Socrates believed that possessing knowledge and Nietzsche believed that having the strength of will was the ultimate virtue. In addition, both Socrates and Nietzsche also believed that few people will ever achieve either virtue. These are the only similarities between the three philosophers Descartes, Socrates, and Nietzsche. These three philosophers had more differences between them than similarities. Let’s look at thee differences between them now.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Black People and South Africa Essay

The movie invictus portrays a very controversial issue that has been presented throughout history in many ethnic groups and is seen in societies up to these days. The apartheid is clearly pictured in the movie through many of the attitudes and actions that people take towards the other race they live in their day by day. What is more, Mandela constitutes one of the most important figures in South Africa, especially for the black race as he ? liberated them?from the apartheid. From those days Mandela has been recognized worldwide as a major symbol of the rainbow nation; a reality of distinction between the black and the white people and its establishing differe nces. In the movie, it is highly represented the context in which two different races coexist, and how such a popular sport as rugby can actually create a powerful bond between two races, stimulating a feeling of companionship and unity for the population . For instance, one of the most significant examples seen in the movie is that about the rejection towards Nelson Mandela as a color person when he was first elected as president of the republic of South Africa. The staff of the presidential house, for example started to resign at the very moment it was officially proclaimed that the new president, who had been 27 years in prison for the conflict of the segregation, was a color person. Besides all the differences the two races had in the 1990? s, such as economic standards, prohibition in public places, and extremely opposite ideologies , the Spring Boks which were the most popular rugby team, reached the goal to give an end to the Apartheid. This does not only concern the social, as well as political, and ec onomical issues, but rugby also serves as an emotional trigger to what represents the unity, compassion and sets free the passion to reinforce a country. As the Spring Boks managed to win the World Cup, which was firstly asked by the president, the country started to be a better one, a country which had day by day less and less differences between the two races that were facing each other for more than 10 years. The feeling of rejection towards being in the same room with a colour person was vanished, the passion that both ? nations? had achieved for the South African rugby team was found in each of the African member, and what is more, the strength that the country accomplished by the power that Mandela had towards his family, the South African population. The equality that had been formed between the different races was totally represented in the movie in all the aspects of the population, from the economic Maria Eugenia Traibel Senior III West Social Studies Invictus Essay position, to the social, political and ideological one. This can be demonstrated with many situations that were demonstrated in the movie Invictus. On the one hand, I could express the changes in the social aspects with a punctual situation that besides it was shown in the movie, it was a situation tha t was lived in South Africa every day, this one is associated with the prohibition of access of public places such as bathrooms, rugby and football fields, and the feeling of being in the same room with a person of a different race. The social rejection that the population felt towards the black people, and the feeling of revenge that the colour people felt towards the white ones, was such that they couldn? t speak to each other. From the ideological aspect, I could say that it was one of the aspects that were mostly shown especially through the rugby. The black people couldn? t stand or see the symbol of the spring Boks, as it represented to them the segregation, the apartheid, even the children who were given clothes as a gift because they couldn? t have them, they didn?t accept the Spring Boks t-shirts, it made them feel revenge and fear. But as Nelson fought for having a rainbow nation through the rugby, colour people started to change their minds and support their country as they didn? t do before. They lea rned to play the sport; they waved the Spring Boks flag and the South African one and also shared the passion for the game with all the African population. The distrust that the white people had towards Nelson Mandela made a twist when he went directly to the important symbol of them, the rugby. All he learned about the other culture was while he spent time in prison, the strategies that he used to make a better country all came to him with the time, and with the 27 years that he had to think while he was alone in his cell. All in all, the movie Invictus is a great demonstration of the history of apartheid that the Republic of South Africa suffered, and also how the powerful symbol of it, Nelson Mandela, fought to reach the end of it, and to reinforce the country, so they could have a rainbow nation, a nation with equality in their lives.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate (Banana Oil) Using a...

Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate (Banana Oil) Using a Fischer Esterification Reaction Zhenshu Wang (Stan) TA: Aaron League September 23, 2012 Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to perform the acid-catalyzed Fischer Esterification of acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol to form isopentyl acetate, or banana oil, which is used in flavor industries. The equilibrium of the reaction was changed by adding an excess amount of acetic acid. The reaction was refluxed and product was purified by extraction and distillation. Isopentyl acetate was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reaction Scheme: Mechanism: Key features of the Fischer Esterification mechanism are: a. protonation of the carbonyl group, b. the†¦show more content†¦The boiling point was 129 oC which was lower than the literature boiling point, 142 oC. Analysis by infrared spectroscopy showed the impurity (most likely CH2Cl2) containing a carbon-chlorine bond. A good yield of isopentyl acetate was obtained during this experiment. Loss of the product was likely through transferring liquid from separatory funnel to the Erlenmeyer flask and residual material left in the distillation flask. Using an organic solvent like benzene or cyclohexane as a transfer agent would improve the yield, since their boiling points were around 80 oC and could be easily separated from the final product through simple distillation. However thisShow MoreRelatedSynthesis of Isopentyl Acetate Via Fischer Esterification Essay724 Words   |  3 PagesExperiment 1: Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate via Fischer Esterification Introduction: Isopentyl acetate, banana oil, is a naturally occurring compound that has a very distinct and recognizable odor. It is most commonly found in bananas but also can be found in other organisms. The purpose of this lab was to synthesize the ester isopentyl acetate via an acid catalyzed esterification (Fischer Esterification) of acetic acid with isopentyl alcohol. Emil Fischer and Arthur Speier were the pioneersRead MoreBanana Oil Synthesis Report Essays1695 Words   |  7 PagesaMicroscale Synthesis of Isopentyl Acetate (Banana Oil) Objective: Carried out the microscale synthesis of isopentyl acetate by direct esterification of acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol. This was an acid catalyzed Fischer esterification. Both extraction and distillation were employed to obtain a pure product. IR spectroscopy and gas chromatography were used to determine purity of the final product. Reagents: * Compound: | * MW (g/mol): | * MP ( °C): | * BP ( °C): | * Density (g/mL):Read MoreSynthesis of Banana Flavor2281 Words   |  10 PagesSynthesis of Banana Flavor CHEMISTRY 200L EXPT 02 PAGE 01 - 11 Gerome B. Vallejos*, Ellis Mika C. Trino, Jahn Camille B. Valdez, Ariza Yamashita Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science Group 11 Corresponding author: Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to synthesize isopentyl acetate via Fischer esterification reaction between acetic anhydride and isoamyl alcohol, using concentrated sulfuric acid as a catalyst. This reaction is characterized by the combiningRead MoreSynthesis Of Isopently Acetate ( Banana Oil )1072 Words   |  5 PagesSynthesis of Isopently Acetate (Banana Oil) Deborah Nyabando CHEM 2311 TA: Nicholas Serratore February 20, 2014 Purpose: The purpose of doing this experiment was to prepare isopently acetate, an ester that has a pleasant smell like that of bananas from isopently alcohol and acetic acid by the Fischer esterification reaction. Sulfuric acid was used as a catalyst. Water, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium chloride were used to extract any impurities from the product. Simple distillation was then usedRead MoreSynthesis of Salicylic Acid and Potentiometric Determination of Its Purity and Dissociation Constant4209 Words   |  17 PagesSynthesis of Salicylic Acid and Potentiometric Determination of its Purity and Dissociation Constant ------------------------------------------------- Abstract The purpose of the study is to synthesize salicylic acid from the ester, methyl salicylate, and determine the acid’s dissociation constant and purity. The ester was converted to salicylic acid by base hydrolysis. The products were refluxed and recrystallized, to ensure maximum purity, and filtered, dried, and weighed. The melting point