Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Psychology and Health Problems - 1139 Words

While summarizing the multi-factorial model, many aspects included there can possibly determine different outcomes of people’s health in relation illness. The model shows how biological, environmental, behavioral, personality and social-cultural factors are imperative in relation to some of the leading causes of stress related illnesses. Most importantly, (Hoover, 2000) notes that genetic and lifestyle factors are among a few that simple answers to why some people can maintain their health, while others become ill. Most people believe that biological factors play a huge role in members of a family becoming ill. We often think that our genetic makeup will ultimately lead our health down the same paths as earlier members of our families†¦show more content†¦Coronary Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States of America. With heart attacks leading the way, (American Heart Association, 2000a) the ways in which people work, exercise, etc, has much to do with their risk to develop (CHD) Coronary Heart Disease. The second is that of Cancer. Cancer has been noted as being the â€Å"number one killer in women within the United States, and the number two killer of men.† (National Cancer Society, 2001) Psychology has made an astonishing mark in understanding and managing patients that suffer with these two health problems. While psychology have suggested that adopting healthier habits will increase an individual’s risk of developing Coronary Heart Disease, there are also many other factors to consider when adopting this change. One such change would be exercising regularly, and if a smoker, stop immediately. Psychology has used such steps to assist the individual suffering from the illness, possibly to limit the short-term difficulties that the health problem most probably will bring in the long-term. There are other types of assistance that psychology offers to ill individuals in reference to Coronary Heart Disease, ano ther being avoidance of high energy job titles that many people who developed CHD currently have or have had in the past. By modifying the Type â€Å"A† behaviors of effective and on the go individuals, people could possibly reduce the risk of hypertension inShow MoreRelatedCommunity Psychology and Public Health Approaches to Social Problems1049 Words   |  5 PagesCommunity Psychology and Public Health approaches to Social Problems All change, individual or collective, stems from discontent or dissatisfaction with the status quo. The same is true of mainstream Psychology. The 1940’s through to the mid 1960’s gave rise to CommunityRead MoreCommunity Psychology and Public Health Approaches to Social Problems in South Africa806 Words   |  3 PagesMy aim in this paper is to analyse community psychology and public health and distinguish between the two approaches. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Reality Of The Film Industry - 985 Words

The world was once a sweet dream we so dearly held close to our hearts, but this country we now live in is only the reality we failed to see as children. Women are seen as objects, toys, things to be messed with and manipulated. What we fail to see is that we are misusing our women and victimizing them in a game society forced them to play—a game in the media. Daily, our minds are flooded with images of scantily clad women, vulgar sex scenes, and women being shamed for living their own life the way they want to live. Movies, television, and social media are platforms which serve as a hanging place for women, and where morals and judgement on what women do are taken as facts rather than opinions. Pop culture today, dictates the lives of many impressionable youth and unfortunately women are negatively spotlighted as we, as Americans, consume countless hours of media in any given day. In the film industry, for example, the striving for perfection that young girl s so desperately chase can do more harm than good. Clark addresses this issue stating â€Å"feminists worry that the overabundance of people who are perfect physical specimens in TV, movies and advertisements can damage the self-esteem of young girls† (Clark). The lack of reality portrayed in movies tells these girls that they are not good enough for themselves, that they are not up to a â€Å"standard,† that the actors and actresses on the screen don’t even live up to. With a lot of expensive makeup, lighting,Show MoreRelatedHow to effective use visual communication design in the film Visual communication is to take1700 Words   |  7 Pagesvisual communication design in the film Visual communication is to take diverse information and designs it for both print and screen based media, also from print like newspapers magazines, books and tickets to the screen like web interfaces, film titles to right through to environmental applications. Therefore, it need designer to creative thinking and an eye for detail. As an integral part of the culture, visual communication design is an exciting and growing industry where vision and creativity areRead MoreCritical Review of Andre Bazin Rudolf Arnheim Articles1331 Words   |  5 PagesThis critical review will focus on the articles of Andre Bazin [What is cinema?] (1945) and Rudolf Arnheim [From Film as Art: the complete film] (1933). 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Monday, December 9, 2019

AENEAS A DEVOTED HERO Essay Example For Students

AENEAS A DEVOTED HERO Essay In Virgils Aenied, he illustrates the hero and central character, Aeneas, as a man who presents piety and duty. This human emotion piety, pietas in Latin, is duty towards family, country, and gods. Aeneas always fulfills his duty to his family, his fated city, and his gods. This piousness is what keeps him going through the grueling journeys and challenges, even when things are not going perfectly. Pietas is the characteristic that makes Aeneas stronger through each trial as he makes personal sacrifices and never wavers from his duties to his family, his country, and most of all to the gods. We will write a custom essay on AENEAS A DEVOTED HERO specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The complete devotion to Aeneas family is a commendable trait of piety. Aeneas love for his kin is exemplified in his fleeing of falling Troy. He was recalling his story to Dido about how when he realizes that there was no use fighting any longer, and that he must leave Troy; he hurries off to find his family. Once he reaches his family, he has his father, Anchises, on his shoulder, Iulus, his sons little hand in his own, and Creusa, his wife close behind as they head off for the ships. When he reaches his destination at the funeral mound, he realizes that his wife was missing. Aeneas turns back alone into the city nothing for it but to run the risks again comb of all Troy, and put his life in danger as before(975-979 II). His devotion to his wife was worth risking his life in order to bring her to safety. As he frantically searches in endless quest from door to door(1001 II) for Creusa, her ghost appeared to him and told to him that she cannot go with him because she was longer livi ng, but to go back to the family and that a special mission is ahead of him. Personal loss is a tragedy that Aeneas must face as he ventures on to reach is fate. His pious personality is the characteristic that saves his family and leads him on his journey to the future founding of Rome. Every battle that Aeneas fights, is a battle fought for his country. In book II, during his recollection of the end of Troy, he tells Dido that even though he was told to flee, he did stay back for a short while and fought. The reason for this action could be that he could not stand to see the destruction of his home. After his escape of Troy, Aeneas endures journey after journey of unsuccessfulness. His pieta here is what kept him going through the grueling time. As he was telling his heartfelt story to the queen, Dido, she was falling helplessly in love with Aeneas. During the stay at Carthage, the love between Dido and Aeneas bloomed. The stop at the city turns into a yearlong settlement. Jove, ruler of the gods, began to get angry because Aeneas is not fulfilling his destiny. He sends out his messenger to scold Aeneas and remind him that he has duties to accomplish. Aeneas must now choose between his fate or his love for Dido. As he fought down his emotion for Dido, Aeneas makes the decision to carry out the gods instruction. After making the personal sacrifice of losing Dido to the future of Rome, Aeneas exemplified that he is worthy of the term piety. After he leaves Carthage, he eventually arrives at Cumae where at battle against the Italians breaks out. During the fighting, Aeneas kills many enemies, but one incident glorifies his piety to his country. As he was fighting young Lausus, the drove his tough sword through the young mans body,(1142 X) the death on his pale face made Aeneas grown in profound pity and rung his heart(1151-1152). After he kills Lausus, Aeneas faces Mezentius, the young dead soldiers father, and was driven to slay him too. Aeneas kills the father and son duo with pity in his heart as he fights for his country. He does his duty, to fight for his destiny with devoutness to his gods. Aeneas duty to the gods exemplifies his piousness. Through his journeys and challenges, he prays to his gods and asks for blessing. He has total devoti on to the gods maybe because of his half divine. With Venus as his mother, she always watches over him, intervenes with trouble to help out her son. In book III, Aeneas prays at a shrine of Apollo for a home and walls(117-118 III) for his weary men. As Aeneas stay in the home and walls of Carthage, Mercury sent by Jupiter, reminds him that he must remember his fate, and that he should leave immediately. Knowing that he will hurt Dido and leave his happiness, he is being dutifully follow the words of Mercury, who represents the Jove. While following the gods command in Cumae, Aeneas spoke out his vows(236 XII) to the almighty Father, and his lady-thou, Saturnia, more kindly to us goddess, now, I pray; and thou, too, famous Mars,(239-243 XII) and calls on springs and streams, and all the powers both of high heaven and the deep blue sea.(244-245 XII) Even during the suspense of his battle with the Italians, he glorifies the gods and prays for peace to come. Aeneas displays piety to the gods at times of battle and war. His duty and devotion to the gods leads him to the victory over the Italians and to the land. Aeneas victory at the end venerates his piousness. His ability to keep going through endless heartaches and disappointments strengthens him as a hero and as a leader. This admirable trait is shown through the love he has for his family, the devotion of reaching his fate of finding the new city, and the duty to his gods as he ventures through his mission. His pietas was confirmed when he put aside his heart to comply with the wills of the gods. Virgil idealizes Aeneas as a model of great leadership, firm on his beliefs, but also a compassionate person. He is a symbol of the great Roman virtues of pietas. .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .postImageUrl , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:hover , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:visited , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:active { border:0!important; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:active , .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ued92e133e81b4cdec3d543a3ccd49c9a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Affirmative Action - History EssayBibliography:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Race and your community an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by

Race and your community Introduction I am a 54-year-old Caucasian male currently based in Afghanistan where I am working as an independent contractor. Before changing base, I resided in Clearwater, Florida where I served at the Pinellas country sheriffs office until I retired. From a career viewpoint, I would say I have vast experience in law enforcement and the military as I have spent forty-three years of my life building on this career path. The remaining thirteen years I have spent in the reserves. This paper will analyze factual and current situation on community relations in Afghanistan from a personal account Need essay sample on "Race and your community" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The human interaction in Afghanistan have been strained particularly the relationship between Americans and the Afghanis tans. Perhaps the perpetrating factor behind this racial discrimination is the September 11 terrorist attack and the response of the United States government in the United States led attack against Taliban and al Qaeda forces. I have had first hand experience of racism on a few occasions, which I shall share in subsequent paragraphs. The community around me is comprised of Afghanistan Sunni and Shia who are predominantly Muslim by religion. The Afghanis are white skinned and dark haired. They look like Asians and it is not hard to distinguish an American from an Afghani. I have blonde hair and grey eyes. I suppose these features make the standout form the Afghanistan crowd. While this distinction is a desirable and helpful attribute in life, here in Afghanistan it works to my disadvantage. The community around me is known for racial intolerance as the Afghanis usually look down upon other races. Profiling based on race is rampant and incidences of assaults and muggings motivated by racial intolerance are the order of the day. The racial discrimination so badly affects my community such that, afghans do not share the same facilities such as; cinemas, hospitals and even educational institutions with the racial minorities. Such segregation is also very evident in schools and in the transport sector as well as in get ting employment opportunities. (Brown, N. 2001). The situation worsened to such high levels recently such that it became very popular to see outbursts and conflicts between people of different races fight in public. In Afghanistan, there are no community leaders but representatives in there place. The representatives in my community are especially hostile to people like me. Allow me to digress from the subject shortly, but it is funny that I should say people like me because it is indeed subjective. I often wonder, what is the color of a person or the texture of his hair? Are we not all human beings with red warm blood flowing in our veins regardless of color or race? As I was saying, my community representatives are not friendly. One encounter I had with leader in my community left me baffled. Last month, I needed to transport some cargo from my workplace to a reserve a few kilometers away. I decided to use a chartered flight as it was the easier option. At the airport, the custom officers did not want to listen to me. I offered them some money to speed up the process but they would not hear me out. I was asked to seek a letter of recognition from the local leader whom I went to but turned me down. It seems that the image they got from their media about us often were of people who are dangerous to live with therefore should be stunned. My convincing proved fruitless, I had to transport my cargo by road, and it was not a good experience. The other members of the community have mixed reactions about foreigners in their country. Others tend to be xenophobic while others are friendly. The xenophobic usually show outright contempt and dislike of foreigners. They fear that we, read foreigners, have come into their country to take away their resources and jobs. Interestingly, xenophobia and racism are terms that used interchangeably and in my case I fail draw a line of distinction. Whenever I visit any state office where leaders are from my race they are quick to serve me. However, I must admit that whenever I visit offices or departments where leaders are from another race, I get a rude treatment. It is like, a payback time for them. This is disgusting in that it is as if the issue of racial discrimination is a vicious cycle, which never ends. People revenge in all manner of ways whenever they get an opportunity to. Another incident that perplexed me was a time I run out of cartridge for my photocopy machine. I had to get some more cartridge and fast. Being a holiday, most shops were closed. (Harrison, F. V. 2005).The only nearby shop was in an interior location dominated by Afghans community. I decided to rush there despite warnings from my American friends. The people in that village looked at me coldly as though I had three eyes. I felt uncomfortable and I left, without the purchase. Racial tensions in Afghanistan between sub ethnic groups and foreigners have sharply increased compared to the past three past decades. Incidences of racial and ethnic discrimination were few and demonstrations by the racial and ethnic minorities fighting for their rights were incidents that were unheard. Racial ethnic minorities have been for a very long time, been sidelined and discriminated in job opportunities and other spheres of life by the majority the dominant tribe, the Pashtun. However, in the major towns all races have in the recent past improved in terms of their interracial relations with the Pashtuns who had previously been discriminating the racial ethnic minorities beginning to realize the importance of mutual racial ethnic coexistence as well as the importance of racial equality. Evidence of improved interracial relations in my community is demonstrated by; the fact that, any member of the community can now access goods and services such as job employment, public fac ilities in any major city. However, in the reserves racial discrimination persists although in a salient manner. I feel that the media has a great challenge ahead of it in order to abolish this pointless war completely. However, the two cases are above are not to conclude that all members of the community are hostile to foreigners like me. I wish to clarify that I have had fulfilling interactions with some community members I have business partners who are Afghanis and they treat me as one of them. They help me network with others and this has helped my contractual work easy. In another incident, a friend of mine reported a case to the law enforcers he was told it would be investigated but nothing actually took place. The only reasonable conclusion as to why the police never acted is the fact that my friend was an African American. As I interviewed my friend, it emerged that, the feeling amongst majority of the racial minorities is that, the interracial relations in the Afghanistan community still need to be addressed, as there are many racial minorities community members who are still discriminated against by the authorities and especially the police department. The media is a powerful tool and in the past, many problems have been solved or corrected using this tool. By educating people on ills that degenerate society, the media narrows the gap created on racial lines. The media in Afghanistan tries to represent us fairly and I believe their level of professionalism is commendable. Radio stations and televisions usually host people to talk about racism and the ills associated with it. The newspaper also publishes articles on the subject. By raising the awareness among people, it helps to dispel myths and beliefs that perpetrate racism and over the recent past, I have seen positive change in the interactions between the community members and foreigners. There are similarities between the people in leadership positions and we foreigners are that we both are value peace in Afghanistan. Foreign investors such as me are interested in peace since our businesses flourish in peaceful atmosphere. On the other hand, the leadership is duty bound to enforce peace within the country. This common interest should be the unifying factor between us. The key differences between us foreigners and the leadership is purely that of race. I fail to understand why humanity chooses to be so shallow in our interrelations and thus un-accommodative of others. If I could resolve any inequities within my community a leader in my community, I would put in place the following measures to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination, which continues to threaten the peaceful coexistence of members of my community. My winning strategy would involve ensuring a discrimination-free community. I would set up a special committee comprising of members from all races to investigate all cases and allegations of racial discrimination reported in my community. I would also start programs that would aim at creating public awareness in learning institutions and other institutions where racism is rampant in Afghanistan. I would also change our perceptions about ourselves as the human race. This is because it is the first step towards addressing this vice called racism. In order to change peoples attitudes, I would start sensitization programs through holding brainstorming meetings with other community representatives, holding an open day event, which brings about all community members from all races to allow all community members an opportunity to freely express themselves. I would liaise with the media and urge the media to broadcast balanced coverage that promotes positive interracial relations. (Kivel, P 2002) There are not enough laws to protect the racial minorities from discrimination. As a result, the problem persists mainly due to the fact that, community members in Afghanistan have yet to change their negative attitudes and stereotypes they hold towards members of other races. Conclusion Human interrelations have indeed been racialised. The twenty first century does not have any place for racial discrimination and it is a high time that, members of my community and leadership realized that, there is a lot of potential in cultural diversity and therefore we should coexist peacefully. Fighting racism is not a one mans show and community members and representatives in Afghanistan should put every effort in the fight against elimination of all forms of discrimination in the community. References Harrison, F. V. (2005) Resisting Racism and Xenophobia: Global Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Human Rights. Rowman Altamira Kivel, Paul (2002) Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice New Society Publishers Brown, N. (2001). Measuring self-perceived racial and ethnic discrimination in a social survey. Sociological Spectrum 21