Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Reality Of The Film Industry - 985 Words

The world was once a sweet dream we so dearly held close to our hearts, but this country we now live in is only the reality we failed to see as children. Women are seen as objects, toys, things to be messed with and manipulated. What we fail to see is that we are misusing our women and victimizing them in a game society forced them to play—a game in the media. Daily, our minds are flooded with images of scantily clad women, vulgar sex scenes, and women being shamed for living their own life the way they want to live. Movies, television, and social media are platforms which serve as a hanging place for women, and where morals and judgement on what women do are taken as facts rather than opinions. Pop culture today, dictates the lives of many impressionable youth and unfortunately women are negatively spotlighted as we, as Americans, consume countless hours of media in any given day. In the film industry, for example, the striving for perfection that young girl s so desperately chase can do more harm than good. Clark addresses this issue stating â€Å"feminists worry that the overabundance of people who are perfect physical specimens in TV, movies and advertisements can damage the self-esteem of young girls† (Clark). The lack of reality portrayed in movies tells these girls that they are not good enough for themselves, that they are not up to a â€Å"standard,† that the actors and actresses on the screen don’t even live up to. 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