Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Criticism Of Media Convergence - 1031 Words

Media convergence in the digital era constructs a global ‘flat earth’, allowing for interaction of old and new mediums across various media platforms. Technology has become an increasingly dominant means of communication as it allows for information to be stored and shared across great distances. Flew (2005) suggests that this globalisation permissible through digital and online communication has effected cultural change. Individuals can communicate from any part of the world, irrespective of physical and geographic barriers via an interactive digital media environment across networked ICT Devices. Thus he suggests that new media is synonymous with digital media and therein digitisation – the translation of information into binary code,†¦show more content†¦Kindle’s remediate books but improve certain features, inclusive of altering typography style and size, offering highlighting tools, built in dictionaries and allowing the reader to purchase new books through the device (Hitt 2013). Since its introduction in 2007, approximately 43.7 million Kindle e-readers have been sold as of late 2014 (Trefis Team 2014). The Kindle does not seek to replace physical books; rather it uses technological convergence to store dense digital information on small, portable physical spaces. This isn’t to say that new mediums have replaced older formats altogether; on the contrary, they have altered them to suit the change in how we communicate. One could argue that the decline of traditional media at the hands of media convergence prompted the incorrect presumption that old media was being superseded by the ‘new’ (Lugmayr Dal Zotto 2015, pp. 4). Conversely, modern commentators have argued that new and old media interact across different media forms and platforms. Jenkins asserts that ‘new media technologies enabled the same content to flow through many different channels and assume many different forms’ (2006, pg. 10). Acland (2007) echoes this sentiment, reiterating that new digital media refashion old media formats. Vogue is a global high fashion magazine with 304 000 Australian readers in December of 2015 comparative to 334 000 in June of 2017, from Magazine Cross-Platform Audience, 12 Months to June 2017 (Roy Morgan Research 2016). AnShow MoreRelatedLiberal Pluralism Vs. Modern Society Essay1628 Words   |  7 PagesLiberal-pluralism (Louw, 14-15) and within that society, Media can be conside red an agent of democracy because the relationship between media and audience is seen as even, in that, media requires large audiences to generate revenue and thus must provide content according to the demands of the consumer. This paradigm’s key conceptions include invisible hand competition (explain), rationality and positive assumptions about modernity and technology. 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